The New Beginning

Today is the first day of the year 2024. I went out with my parents to have some dinner. It had been a really long time since we had an outing but it was great. Looking back in the year 2023, I spent most of the time working and we also lost a lot of older as well as middle aged relatives which taught me one thing i.e. to spend more time with your family and not to miss family events. In the working space, I have learned to debug finally and also learned more about postgres as well as docker but still I need to learn more about communicating well as well as independently creating a solution without the help of others. Let's go back a little further, from the moment, my dad went to prison and my mom getting psychotic and me and my brother getting depressed, a lot of the things have happened and a lot of the hardships has been endured from pep-talking to myself looking in the mirror that you will get through this to working on improving your programming skills and then getting a job that is able to financially help out your family. This surely has been one wild ride. I was also able to meet some amazing people who have taught me a lot and keep on teaching me. I sit here today to have some self-reflection and to also think about how I am going to move forward in my life. The job I am doing has been really great and it is also able to sustain my family financially but I have somewhat lost  some of the excitement in it. I don't know if its related to the programming part of it but there is a bit of void inside me which I want to fill with some blazing fire bit by bit. I have come to understand that I am really interested in business as whole as well as the marketing side of the things and always ponder on what I can do to increase the revenue or the efficiency of the company that I am currently working in. I work for a CRM startup and previously I thought that we have these giants like Salesforce, Hubspot etc. so when there is already so much CRM product out there in the market how are we going to get a piece of the pie. But going through some comments of people on the existing CRM like Salesforce. It seems like people just have to keep using them because there aren't better alternatives out there. So we do have a opportunity to grab a bit of pie if we are to provide better service at reasonable price but I think we do need to level up our marketing game and have a really good distribution channel too. Next up is my self-confidence, I can't exactly pinpoint it but maybe these past traumas are the reason that I don't have that solid self-confidence that I used to have 8 years back. so for this new beginning, I need to get back that self-confidence to pursue my goals. One of my goals is to start a side-project to earn money that can be eventually turned into a business. Although I have been working for past 2 years, I haven't really been able to save enough money to invest or have a bit of safety net for emergency health issues. so this week I am going to search for a side-project idea to work on. Let's see what it will be. 


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