5,4,3,2,1 Just Do It

Look up in the sky,you see it blue and clouds floating on it.You may think why I am telling this to you.But that's the answer you should give it to yourself  when you think you can't do something.This sentence "I can't do it" is very dangerous,More dangerous than anything you have ever seen.When you want to do something,but it doesn't matter if it was for once,because if you ever tell it to yourself that ''You can't do it" then it will set a limit which should be beyond bounds.You are instructing your brain if I ever thought of doing that remind me that I can't do it.Guess what the brain does.It pushes a button in your head which is used for flight or fight moments.And when the button is pushed,you start feeling nervous,your mouth starts drying and if you are forced in a situation to do that thing.Your feet start trembling and your voice starts uttering.It feels as if you want to run away from there.Do you know what caused all of this YOU.You put the limit in yourself.You told yourself you can't do it.No one else did it.Do you remember when you were a kid,you didn't think about Will I be able to walk like other kids?Did anyone ever thought about it?The answer is big NO.You didn't think at that time.You just did it yourself.You didn't think if you will be able to talk.You just did it.At that time you didn't set a bar for yourself like I can't walk or I can't talk.Then why are you setting it now.Don't ever set the bars for yourself because sky is the only limit.You can do anything you want.So stop giving priority to your brain,put your heart first but take your brain with it.


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