Lunactic:A word said to wise by a foolish

From the beginning of human civilization,Humans have always approached the idea of quantity over quality.It hasn't changed since then.If we put a wise man in the world full of foolish people,the ideas put forward by wise man won't be listened instead the wise man will be called foolish.It has also happened to many great personalities of the history .One of them is Albert Einstein.Albert Einstein was a great scientist but before he become great,he used to treated badly due his imaginative and hypothetical ideas.Unlike other scientists,he was very different  and always used to be lost in his thoughts and imagination.His ideas were all related to nature and he was so brilliant that he could use his imaginations to test his hypothesis.During 19th century,the word 'Scientist' was no less than a rockstar as new inventions and discoveries were happening throughout the world.As we know change is very difficult thing to happen.But it happens rapidly,noone accepts it quickly unless it is beneficial.It is a human behavior to avoid change.That may be the reason why young Einstein at an age of about 30 proposed five extraordinary papers of that time.People become stunned of his brilliance but still other great scientist didn't accept it until it was proven.They used to call him a hypothetical scientist who is always lost in his imagination.

The story of Albert Einstein is just like a wise man in the middle of foolish people. No one appreciates anything until the find its after many years ,Einsteins theory are being proven and people are benefiting form its practical use.Not only Einstein but many scientist have been called mad or foolish before their inventions have changed the whole world.
In the poem lunatic,the poet is describing about a person who is very different and uses different ways to see the world.If someone is different it doesn't mean that they have mental one should always choose quality over quantity.


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