Californian Dream

Every person dreams of living a happier and prosperous life. They want their life to be full of success and enjoy every single part of it. In his text, Rawls explains the reasons why the most people dream of California. He explains the different aspects of California which have attracted so many people to live a Californian dream. The first factor luring so many people to California is the opportunities available at the place and also the success achieved by the people settled there. Some of the biggest names in the world got the opportunity to utilize their talent in California and gained success in their field which has been motivating factor for many young people to dream of a California. The weather of California is also intimidating that it invites people to stay there. It is a beautiful place to live in as it has endless blue skies, spectacular sea coasts, gentle hills and soaring mountains. Who won't love to settle in such a beautiful place? The other category is freedom. Every person wants to live a free life, and California provides it to its citizens. Anything we dream of doing, or we do works here. Every person has a chance of making his fortune in California. Everything has its pros and cons, due to many people want to settle down in California the population of the place has increased drastically it has become the most populous state of the nation. Also, the environment of California has been damaged by the bigger population. Among the different categories listed by Rawls, the opportunities provided here and the success gained by the people residing here has inspired me about the Californian dream. This factor is most related to me because I am a person seeking for opportunities so that I could employ my knowledge and be best on the field that I like. The institutions in California are great which can provide me the good education to attain my degree and Silicon Valley, the new world who people say is also in California which provides an amazing environment to utilize the knowledge I will gain. The stories of bigger companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. all have started from California, so I hope that I would also get a proper opportunity to present my idea to the world easily from here. It's a place where people from all over the world have gathered in, so I will also have the opportunity to learn different culture and languages from the world. This knowledge will also be helpful in expanding the business as I will know people around the world. As this place gives us the freedom to practice what we like it will be helpful for us to do our work easily. Hence, due to the easy access to practice the work we like, suitable environment and bigger opportunities living in California is one of the dreams of every people.  


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