Brain Hacking

Brain hacking is growing as a problem in the world lately. The development of technology has hacked the people's brain. The technological companies are usually making money by luring people to use their products time to time. This is going to be a significant problem shortly.
There are many pieces of evidence throughout the video by which the tech companies are making the people use their products more and more. Snapchat, one of the social sites has created a function called streaks which enables the person using the application to make the streak on the daily basis which increases numerically and will cancel out when it's not used for a day. Due to this feature, it will be sure that people will use the product once and they will be engaged on their mobile phone. Similarly, gamification is also a tool to make the people involved on their phones. There are many games on the gadgets on which we can play against our friends and earn rewards, and reach the top by playing. The games get upgraded time to time which makes people play again and again.
Due to huge development in technology people are getting obsessed with their mobile phones and gadgets rather than other things. Friends who catch up after a long time also get busy on their phones instead of talking. A dinner table is a place where all the family members can speak with each other, but this scenario has changed; all the members are busy on their phone rather having the family talk because the technology has made the human brain inseparable from using mobile phones.
We, consumers, need to stop this madness for technology. We must try to live our own life rather the life force by the social sites and games. We must try to be away from social sites when we are on our holidays. There is no fun in experiencing in nature than clicking pictures and posting them on social sites. We must live the moment. To reduce the use of hi-tech mobile phones, we must carry our camera and low-end cell phones only for contact purposes. We must try to use only one social site and don't get engaged to it rather keep ourselves busy on other works like cooking, reading books, etc. I was once addicted to Snapchat, but I got over that addiction by removing my account and that application from my mobile phone. If we control ourselves in using the applications, then it will be sure that we could live a happier life than now. So, I would like to conclude by saying that controlling ourselves on using the applications and gadgets will help us get over the madness and we can make our lives more productive.


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